The Knee: Recovery of Flexion after an Injury

The purpose of this experiment was to find the conditions under which a previously injured knee would have the same degree of flexion as a previuosly uninjured knee after different types of exercises were performed by both males and females. The data was analyzed with a three-factor Design of Experiment.

The experimenters were looking to obtain a result of zero, which would indicate that a previously injured knee reacted the same way as a previously uninjured knee in terms of change in angle of flexion. The best conditions were when a subject, either gender, performed a flexibility exercise and the measurement was taken sixty minutes after the exercise was performed. The results support the general practice among physical therapists, athletic trainers, and orthoaedic surgeons nationwide, who prefer to ease post-injury knee pain and discomfort with a long period of flexibility exercises.

Research Done By:

Ronald Oniszczak
Warren Mott High School

Erin Hobbs
Stevenson High School