The Effect of Water Temperature on the Growth of Bacteria

The objective of the experiment was to determine the corrrect temperature of water that eliminated the highest number of bacteria colonies on plates after rinsing the plates. Cold, warm, and hot water at temperatures of 12 degrees Celsius, 21 degrees Celsius,and 55 degrees Celsius were used to rinse starch and bacteria-filled plates. The remaining E. Coli bacteria on the plates was transferred to Petri dishes and allowed to grow for 24 hours. Bacteria colonies were then counted, recorded, and statistically analyzed using three two-sample t tests. Results from the statistical analysis proved that hot water eliminated the most bacteria on the plates. We accepted our hypothesis and concluded that hot water temperature eliminated the highest number of bacteria colonies on plates after rinising the plates.

Research Done By:

Monica Brown
Warren Mott High School

Jessica DiMarzio
Warren Mott High School