
Shannon and Jeff performed two 4-factor DOE experiments centered on superconductive properties. The first DOE was a test of electrical resistance varying the milling duration (17 or 24 hours), addition silver (10% or 0%), the press type used (monostatic vs. isostatic), and data was taken at room temperature (21°C) and at -190°C (cooled with liquid nitrogen). The second DOE measured the Meisner Effect. The Meisner Effect is a property of superconductive substances, while superconducting the substance repels magnetic force thus magnets will levitate above the superconductor. This DOE also varied milling duration (17 or 24 hours), addition of silver (10% or 0%), press type (monostatic vs. isostatic), and the fourth factor varied was the magnet mass (0.17g and 0.25g).

The "most" superconductive pellet was the pellet monostatically pressed, short milled (17 hours), without silver. This pellet floated magnets the highest. Our resistance data is inaccurate and is generally not used in our analysis. The more massive magnetic floated the highest on a single trial but the 0.17g magnet floated the higher on average.

Research Done By:

Shannon Barber

Jeff Kostrzewski