The Effect of Roundup Weed Killer on the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Nutrient Intake of Earthworms

The purpose of this experiment was to determine if Roundup Weed Killer had a significant effect on the phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium nutrient intake of earthworms in order to help farmers and gardeners using both glyphosate as a herbicide while trying to maintain a healthy earthworm population for the natural fertilizer.

To determine the nutrient intake of the earthworms both exposed to Roundup and not , the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in their castings. These two groups were fed, watered, and maintained equally, and after one week the earthworms were removed and the castings were extracted. The castings were than dried and sifted in a sieve to remove any soil particles, and then finally a kit was used to analyze the percent composition of each chemical. In the end, phosphorus intake was determined to be significantly lower when exposed to Roundup with a p value of 0.0099. Potassium, on the other hand, did not have sufficient evidence to determine significance with a p value of 0.596 even though the data suggests a difference. Finally, no analysis could be made for the nitrogen samples due to the range of the testers being used were outside of the samples of nitrogen.

Research Conducted By:

Alessio Artusi
Warren Mott High School

Darius Willis
Warren Mott High School