Liquid Power: The Wave of the Future

The purpose of the research team was to find a source of power outside traditional means that would be both environmentally safe and efficient for everyday use. They concluded that a paddle wheel would be able to turn an axle, hence generating power. In order for this to be effective they need to find out how to obtain the most power output from the a paddle wheel. The investigation was conducted by a Design of Experiment with differing liquids, number of paddles per wheel, and radius of water wheels. The results indicated that two experimental setups gave the best result of .0381watts of stored energy. The first setup contained simulated dense liquid, four paddles per wheel, and four inch wheel radius. The second setup contained water, four paddles per wheel, and four inch wheel radius. From these results they concluded that on a larger scale with increased precision in construction, that using a paddle wheel to generate energy would be possible.

Research Done By:

Nicole Lowry
Center Line

Nicholas Phillips